Koch Lab FU Berlin
Join Us
... for a Postdoc
At the moment we do not have any PostDoc positions available.
But, we support acquiring third party funding to join the lab (DAAD, DFG, Marie Curie, Humboldt Foundation) for projects with a good mutual fit to the lab and the applicant. Please write us an e-mail about your ideas.
... for a PhD
We are part of the Bernsteincenter for computational neuroscience (BCCN) and the Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin (ECN). Both programs offer PhD scholarships in an independent, merit-based selection process. The application deadline each year is around December/January.
We also support applicants to gain their own funding to join the lab for PhD students from the DAAD, and from their home countries .
If you want to apply to these programs with our lab as a potential host, please contact us. Optimally send a CV and a one page sketch of a project idea along.
... for master thesis / master internship
We are excited to work with master students and interns. We evaluate every candidate first and foremost by merit. However, in general your application will have a higher chance of success if you are willing to stay at least 6 months or do a thesis with us - it takes time get good work done,